Thursday, January 2, 2014

Resolve in January 2014

This is my first post in quite a while and much like everyone on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and various blogs, it is going to be about resolutions. After all, it is a new year full of new possibilities!

Like many of you this holiday season was slightly more indulgent than I planned. Celebrating (read: drinking and eating more than I should) got a little out of hand between family gatherings and holiday parties. So, I am daring myself, here and now, to give up some of my favorite things this January. This is going to be a challenge because I've never made it the whole month without certain things...I'm looking at you, beautiful bottle of sangiovese sitting on my bar, but with a little encouragement and determination it is certainly possible!


1. Work out at least 4 times a week, this means more yoga and cardio and less TV. This wouldn't be a problem except that I REALLY hate cold weather and I REALLY like TV. But some things are worth getting a little chilly for.
2. Give up alcohol and dairy for the month of January. Have you ever realized how much dairy is in your everyday diet? Have you ever noticed how much wine is in your diet? The answer to both of these questions is (for me) A LOT. My passion for good wine and delicious cheese is well documented but like they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

3. Quit smoking - for good. Wish me luck on this one y'all.

Things could get a little shaky for this grand plan of mine around January 20. My boyfriend, George, (you all remember him from previous posts, right?) is turning the big 2-6 and we have numerous celebrations planned, all revolving around dinner and drinks with friends. I think this might have to be a little cheat weekend for me because how to do I go to a restaurant like Bacchanalia and not order dairy or wine? You just can't.

So there you have it first blog post in a long while. Maybe I'll include posting to this blog more in 2014 to my list of resolutions. Anything is possible, right?

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