Thursday, February 28, 2013

Modern Losses

It has been a very rough week for me and the town I consider my soul mate, Athens, Ga.

 First, I heard this week that the Modern Skirts (one of my favorite local gems and former neighbors) are breaking up. I have way too many emotions to deal with properly. The band will be doing two farewell shows for their Athens/Atlanta community. The first at Smith's Olde Bar in Atlanta with the Party Dolls on March 23, I'll 100% be there. The second is their swan song to their beloved venue, the 40 Watt on April 5. If you are lucky you can catch impromptu shows (more like rehearsals) if you go by (or stalk) their house in Athens in NormalTown...not like I did this in college. My house backed up to theirs, don't judge me.Modern Skirts "New York Song" at the 40 Watt 8/27/2010.

 Second, and this isn't as sad because it is only temporary, like when the Foo Fighters said they were going on hiatus but then I hear they are about to go back in the studio for a new album. Of Montreal - my favorite mountain goat enthusiasts - are taking a little break from performing. Kevin Barnes is a way of life and his music has inspired many a late night dance party and drunk philosophical debate with my dear Mary Lyle. Of Montreal "A Sentence of Sorts in Kongsvinger"  Live at the 40 Watt in Athens, Ga. 3/27/07.

Last, and most depressing, I hear that Weaver D's is on its last leg. I have no funny remarks for this...Please someone with money help out this incredible Athens, GA institution. The city won't be the same without it. 

All this depressing shit aside, I am going back to my beloved town on Friday for a night out with Of Montreal at the 40 Watt. (Be jealous Athens friends). I look forward to trying new restaurants (The Branded Butcher and Heirloom Cafe in particular) and visiting old favorites like The Globe and The Last Resort Grill. (Tres Leches...mmm...)

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